» Marketing and Communication » Event Services
Please review the Staff Retirement Policy before submitting your request.
*Indicates required fields.
Client Information
*Who is this reception for?Honoree's First Name: Honoree's Last Name
*Years of Employment:
*Current Title:
*Department or Office:
Lead Contact for the Reception
* Contact Name:Contact's First Name: Contact's Last Name:
*Phone Number:
*Email Address:
Event Information
*Time: 12-hour Display: AM PM
STOP! You cannot submit this form until the location has been confirmed with Mark Hendrix (mhendrix@storesoo.com or 660.562.1420).
*Number of Guests Expected:
These are only suggestions based on cost per person for a reception for 75-100 people. Indicate your choices or make requests and the event coordinator will work with the caterer's to stay under the $400 budgeted amount.
Other Request:
Music Playlist
Make specific song, genre or artist requests:
Decoration Requests
Make decoration requests: (theme, balloons, color, etc.)